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About f3nice

We provide metal powder made from 100% recycled scrap for additive manufacturing.

Product analysis and development

Implementing the Circular Economy: we give a new life to the metal scrap, that would otherwise be considered waste.

Our Value Proposition

Using our powder you can change the impacts related to the 3D printed components, lowering their carbon footprint.

What is Additive Manufacturing (AM)?

Additive Manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, is a generic term that defines a process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, instead of subtractive manufacturing methodologies.
AM includes several different techniques, depending on the type of feedstock material and physical mechanisms used to melt the layers.

Benefits of AM

Reduced complexity in assembled systems


Superior properties of printed parts


Weight saving

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Cost saving, if properly operated


Higher sustainability

Linear Economy VS...

In a Linear Economy model, Nature is seen as a reservoir of easily accessible resources and energy.
This approach favours the extraction of new resources with respect to the reuse of materials collected from end-of-life products, due to the ease of obtaining new input materials and cheaply disposing of refuse.

... Circular Economy

Circular Economy denotes an industrial economy that is restorative by intention and design.
Like systems found in nature, resources are preserved and balanced, from material feedstock through spent consumables.
Products are designed for ease of reuse, disassembly and refurbishment or recycling.
Waste is considered as a source of added value.

Being sustainable

Sustainability is “the quality of being able to continue over a period of time”, maintaining a certain rate or quality level.
Specifically, the concept of Sustainability is composed of three pillars: environmental (planet), social (people), and economic (profits) aspects.

Business Sustainability

What is a Sustainable Business Model?
In order to be sustainable, a business model shall produce positive social and environmental outcomes alongside financial returns [Source: Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership].

Our partners

Our Mission

F3nice believes in a more sustainable world.
By rethinking the traditional industrial production cycles, we help in introducing enabling technologies in your business.
We propose smart ways to confer additional value to your waste.
Our goal consists in promoting efficient resource utilization, in order to be green, innovative, and economically successful.